Vibrant Romance

Romance—it’s one of my favorite things. I must admit, I’m a romantic at heart, and fortunately, so is my husband. That works out pretty well for both of us because we both commit to keeping the romance alive in our marriage, but we don’t just do it for fun. Marriage,...

The Vibrant Man

Can a man be vibrant? Let’s see. Great skin? Good posture? An engaged and lively expression? Strong muscles? Easy movement? Great endurance? A healthy heart? Lots of energy? Confidence? Passion? That sounds vibrant to me, and also what men want, according to what many...

Detox Your Social Life

January is detox month, cleanse month, “fresh start” month, and social media is filled with suggestions for new diets, cleanses, and ways to detoxify the body. Maybe you have started a new diet or are trying a juice cleanse or experimenting with intermittent fasting....