Your Body is Calling

Listen to Your Five Senses Plus Your Sixth Sense: Digestive, Nervous, Endocrine, Lymphatic, Connective Tissue, and Intuition The human body is wise and highly responsive to its environment. It constantly gives you feedback about where you are, what you are doing, what...

Fourth of July Recipes

It’s grilling season, and there is no time like the Fourth of July to celebrate the birth of our country with a reborn commitment to making the most of the gift that is your life! That doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice the enjoyment of delicious real food,...


Summer’s coming. Do you know where your water bottle is? During a rainy spring, people may have neglected hydration, not feeling as thirsty, but even when you aren’t thirsty, it’s important to keep drinking water for many reasons. Now that sweaty summer is hot on our...

Skin As An Indicator of Health

During my many years in private practice, I gained a kind of intuition about how healthy people are. This came from a lot of careful observation—it’s a skill any observant doctor develops over time. It’s pretty incredible what you can tell about someone just from...